Allergy Free Oatmeal Cookies

Allergy Free Oatmeal Cookies


-33 Million Americans are living with life-threatening food allergies
-Approximately 8% of children and 11% of adults have food allergies
-1 in 13 children have life-threatening food allergies
-Every 10 seconds food allergy sends a patient to the emergency room
Food allergies are serious business, they can be life threatening and are far more common than most people think.  At Detox Desserts*, we believe EVERYONE deserves to indulge in delicious dessert, safely and guilt free.  That’s why Detox Desserts* partnered with the Sunmaid Company to create the tastiest, healthiest Allergy Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe.  If you or someone you know must avoid the Top 9 Food Allergens, but love a good old-fashioned oatmeal cookie, we’ve created a delicious solution.  Read on to learn about food allergies and why this simple recipe will light up your taste buds while making your body feel great.   

Top 9 Food Allergens account for 90% of all food allergies

#1 Cow’s Milk, #2 Egg, #3 Peanut, #4 Soy, #5 Wheat, #6 Tree Nuts, #7 Shellfish, #8 Fish, #9 Sesame 
Although nearly any food can trigger an allergic reaction, there are nine foods that cause the majority of reactions. Always read food labels and ask questions about ingredients before eating a food that you have not prepared yourself. There are eight major allergens that are required by the FDA to be listed on packaged foods either within the ingredient list or in a separate “Contains” statement on the package. This makes it easy to see what allergen is present in a food item. On January 1, 2023, sesame became the ninth major allergen that must be labeled, but products manufactured prior to 2023 may still contain unlabeled sesame and will remain on store shelves until replaced by new inventory.  

Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance

A food allergy happens when your immune system overreacts to a specific food protein because it thinks it’s threatening. Your immune system does this by creating antibodies to fight the invader. The most common antibodies are immunoglobulin E (IgE) which causes an immediate reaction when they release defensive chemicals, such as histamine. When you eat or drink the food protein, it can trigger an allergic reaction. Symptoms can range from mild (rashes, hives, itching, swelling, etc.) to severe (trouble breathing, wheezing, loss of consciousness, etc.). A food allergy can be potentially life-threatening. In extreme cases, ingesting or even touching a small amount of the allergen can cause a severe reaction, known as anaphylaxis. If you have an allergy, keep an epinephrine injection device with you at all times. Epinephrine is the first-line treatment for anaphylaxis.
Unlike food allergies, food intolerances do not involve the immune system. Food intolerances happen when your body can’t properly break down a certain substance in your digestive tract. They affect about 20% of the population and mostly cause digestive-related symptoms.  People with food sensitivities may experience symptoms such as nausea, cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, constipation, or sometimes even skin eruptions. While intolerances can cause great discomfort, they are not life-threatening. 

Why you will love these healthy allergy free oatmeal cookies 

Most people think of oatmeal raisin cookies as a “healthy” cookie option, but don’t let the oatmeal fool you.  Traditional oatmeal cookie recipes are loaded with sugar and food allergens like gluten (wheat), dairy and eggs.  By using the Whole-Grain Flour Swap, Granular Sugar Swap and gluten-free rolled oats, they’ll be allergy free AND packed full of heart healthy, slowly digesting carbohydrates to promote blood sugar stability and keep you feeling full and satisfied.  Plus, you’ll create the most delicious, gluten-free, nut-free, vegan oatmeal cookie possible.  These detoxed cookies bake up soft with a chewy center and are full of warming spices.  The small amount of ginger and cardamom isn’t overwhelming and both spices add to the subtle sweetness and rich flavor of the cookie, so don’t skip them.  These cookies keep for days and travel well. So, if you or someone you know must avoid the Top 9 Food Allergens and you love oatmeal cookies, make these cookies!

What makes this allergy free Oatmeal Cookie healthier than other cookies?

All other gluten-free oatmeal cookie recipes I found online are made with common food allergens like dairy and eggs, plus they are loaded with rapidly digesting carbohydrates.  Did you know most gluten-free flour substitutes aren’t healthy?!  They cause blood sugar and insulin spikes just like white flour and sugar because they are made from starches and refined grains.  Your body’s response to these rapidly digesting carbs…weight gain and insulin resistance.    
The plant soluble fiber from the psyllium husk in the Whole-Grain Flour Swap and the digestive resistant fiber from the inulin in the Granular Sugar Swap work to slow down digestion of this allergy free oatmeal cookie.  The slowed digestion helps provide more blood sugar stability throughout your day which can keep you feeling full and satisfied.  This also keeps energy levels constant without the normal sugar crashes one would experience with a traditional, carb-loaded cookie.  
The psyllium husk and inulin both feed and increase the number of healthy gut bacteria.  Plenty of good flora in your intestines can promote a healthy immune system along with the added digestive benefits we all love from a healthy dose of fiber. Don’t forget that the whole psyllium husk binds waste and toxins in your intestines and helps clear them from the body.  These detoxified cookies are not only free from all the unhealthy and allergenic ingredients found in traditional cookies but they’re actually gently detoxifying to the body…double win!

Key Ingredients of a Traditional Oatmeal Cookie:
-Granular Sugar
-Vanilla Extract
-Baking Soda
-Brown Sugar 

      Detoxed Oatmeal Cookie Ingredients:

      -Violife Plant-Based Butter: A nut-free and plant-based butter substitute sold at most grocery stores.
      -Granular Sugar Swap: Our zero-calorie, zero-carb, naturally sweetened sugar substitute formulated with prebiotics to support healthy digestion.
      -Applesauce: Adds moisture and binds with the psyllium husk to replace egg
      -Vanilla Extract
      -Cinnamon, Cardamom, Ginger
      -Sunmaid Raisins 
      -Gluten-Free Rolled Oats
      -Baking Soda
      -Whole-Grain Flour Swap: Our nut-free healthy flour substitute made from gluten-free oats, gluten-free buckwheat groats (a seed) and steam-treated whole psyllium husks.  
      Prep: 15 mins
      Bake: 13 mins
      Makes 15 large cookies, Serves 15 
      Dry Ingredients:
      ¾ cup Whole-Grain Flour Swap 
      1½ cups gluten-free rolled oats
      ⅔ cup Granular Sugar Swap (optional to add 1 Tablespoon molasses to provide a brown sugar flavor, more caramelization and a golden brown color to the finished cookie)
      ¾ teaspoon salt
      ½ teaspoon baking soda
      1 teaspoon cinnamon
      ¼ teaspoon ginger
      ¼ teaspoon cardamom
      Wet Ingredients:
      ½ cup Violife Plant-Based Butter Substitute (at room temperature)
      ½ cup applesauce (I blended 1 medium unpeeled apple in a high speed blender until smooth, store bought applesauce is also fine)
      1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
      ¾ cup Sunmaid Raisins


      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
      Mix dry ingredients well in a small bowl.
      In a separate bowl, cream together wet ingredients using a mixer or spoon.  Then, slowly add the dry ingredients and blend until everything is well incorporated, no lumps remain and thick cookie dough batter consistency is achieved.
      Let the dough rest for about 5 minutes before folding in raisins.  Continue to stir your dough for about 1 minute to ensure the fiber in the Flour Swap and oats have absorbed the excess moisture. 
      Use a medium cookie scoop to create equal sized cookies (you should get 15-16 cookies from this recipe).  Roll and press each cookie onto your parchment paper lined baking tray.  They will plump up as they bake but won’t spread much.
      Bake large cookies for about 13 minutes until edges are golden and tops begin to crack. 
      Remove from the oven, allow them to cool on the warm cookie tray before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.  They will be very soft out of the oven but will firm up when completely cool. 
      Store your cookies in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or freeze for long term storage. 
      *For best taste, texture and health benefits, refrigerate all Detox Desserts overnight before indulging.  

      Tips for making your gluten-free oatmeal cookies stand out 

      Use this basic cookie recipe to create endless possibilities, but consider experimenting with any of the following for unique flavor and texture variety.  Plus, getting creative with this recipe is a great way to use up extra dried fruit or seeds you might have in the pantry.
      -Try substituting sugar-free, dairy-free chocolate chips for the raisins.  Lily’s brand is a great option and easy to find.   
      -Sunflower seeds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, chopped dates and apricots ALL make for a hearty, healthy and flavorful oatmeal cookie.  
      -Pumpkin pie spice is a delicious and easy substitute for the ginger and cardamom especially around fall season.  I would use 1-2 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice in this recipe depending on how bold you like your flavors.  

      Tips for making this recipe a success

      -If your raisins are dry and shriveled, soak them in very hot water for about 15 minutes to plump them up.  Drain well before folding them into your cookie dough. 
      -A fresh blended apple is best for the applesauce.  If using store bought, make sure it is sugar free and has a smooth texture.
      -Let your dough rest for about 5 minutes after you’ve blended the wet and dry ingredients, then stir for another minute while you fold in the raisins. 
      - Use a cookie scoop to create equal portioned dough balls for even baking.  If you haven’t already invested in 3 sizes of cookie scoops, do it!  Purchase small, medium and large because you’ll use all of them while baking Detox Desserts.  The small and medium sizes are great for cookies and donut holes.  I use the large size to create equal size muffins, shortcakes and waffles. They also make great ice-cream scoopers!  
      -Roll your cookies, then press them down.  They won’t spread much as they bake (thanks to all the healthy fiber in the Flour Swap).  Use wet hands to make this process easier.     
      -Don’t overbake! Every oven is different, watch your first batch closely, remove them when the tops start to crack and the bottoms turn golden.  They will continue to bake on the hot cookie sheet after you remove them from the oven.  The 13 minute approximate baking time is for large cookies, so if you decide to make smaller cookies, shorten the baking time.
      - Always let Detox Desserts chill in the fridge overnight before indulging.  The flavors and textures can change dramatically with an overnight chill.  Plus, it slows carbohydrate absorption making the finished dessert healthier and tastier.  Weird, but it works!

      How to store your gluten-free oatmeal cookies for maximum shelf-life

      Store your cooled gluten-free oatmeal cookies sealed in the fridge for up to a week or freeze for long term storage.  You can also store unbaked oatmeal cookie dough balls in the freezer and pull them out as desired to bake fresh.  Just let your frozen dough balls come to room temperature before flattening them down on your parchment lined cookie sheet and bake as directed.  

      *An important note on carbs

      Net carbohydrates are the sum total of carbohydrates that convert into glucose (therefore raise blood sugar) in the body.  Anyone following a keto or diabetic diet should count net carbs NOT total carbs.  To determine net carbs, simply subtract the fiber and sugar alcohols from the total carbohydrates on the nutrition label.  Sugar alcohols are considered "carbs" for nutrition labeling purposes but our cells can't use them as energy which renders them inert in the human body. Thus, they are reduced from the total carb count.  Fiber also counts towards the total carbohydrates for labeling purposes, but it is roughage.  It stays in the intestines, doesn't absorb and isn't used as energy or converted to glucose in the body.  Thus, fiber is also reduced from the total carbohydrate count.  Anyone who counts macronutrients (carbs, fats, protein) should always count net carbs, not total carbs.  

      *An important note on allergens

      Although the Whole-Grain Flour Swap and Granular Sugar Swap don't contain nuts, both are manufactured in a facility that does process tree nuts.  
      We love your feedback, please make sure to comment and share your experience with this recipe for gluten free, vegan and nut-free oatmeal cookies with the healthy baking community!  
      Cheers to your delicious health, 
      -Dr. Alexis 

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