How to lose weight, and keep it off, simplified:

How to lose weight, and keep it off, simplified:

Have you ever been on a diet, lost weight, then almost immediately after hitting your goal weight, watched the scale creep back up? Statistics show up to 90% of people who lose weight re-gain the weight (and often more) within the first 12 months.

I was one of those people, having tried literally dozens of diets, meal plans, and restrictive programs. Despite being a very active athlete, I was never able to keep the weight off, until…

I learned the 4 simple steps to lose weight and keep it off for good, and today, I am sharing them with you. As a former police officer and federal agent for 34 years, I was constantly traveling, in unknown situations, and unable to plan for the day ahead. Despite that, these steps worked for me, and they will work for you too.

1. Make a daily plan. This does not mean weighing and measuring food or counting calories. It simply means write on a piece of paper what you intend to eat for the day, including drinks, and snacks. People often say, “I don’t want to plan”, I’m spontaneous”; or “I don’t know what’s for dinner, that is too far away”. That is exactly why we plan. The daily plan serves a few purposes:

a.) Your 6am self wants the best for you and your goals, has a clear focus for the day ahead, as well as what needs you have (kids soccer game tonight and won’t be home to cook; work engagement that will run late; tired from meetings all day..). When your best self makes the plan, you are more likely to follow through on keeping your word to yourself rather than be at the whim of a drive thru.

b.) Please don’t hear what I am not saying. Do not make the “perfect plan” in the hopes you will follow it. For example, if you are a grab-and-go person, do not plan for a scratch made organic vegetable frittata for breakfast. Plan a couple hard boiled eggs and an apple and call it good. The point is not to make a perfect plan, the point is to begin thinking through your day ahead, planning for it, and learning how to keep your word to yourself.

2. Assess your daily plan. Again, keep it simple. At the end of the day, make a check mark by the meals you followed, and note where things fell short. Feel free to jot down thoughts in the margin of what you were feeling at high or low points in the day. A note here: be honest. It’s better to have 20 broken plans that you can learn from and improve on than 20 plans that you are not being honest with yourself about and stalling your weight loss.

3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Most of know water is good for us, but did you know that drinking a minimum of 64 ounces a day actually reduces urges? If you are not a big fan of water, try sparkling, flavored, or unsweet tea. It will improve your bowel movements, contribute to improved sleep, and keep you full between meals.

4. Sleep. Sleep is an under appreciated superhero of weight loss. Much like water, it helps improve our mood, reduce our urges, and improve our skin. Aim for 7-9 hours nightly, even if you have to take a daily nap to get the time in.

At Strong Wellness, we teach you in-depth how to master these skills, plus much more. If you would like to learn more, click HERE.

Your friend,
Nicole Strong

Founder, Strong Wellness
“Lose your weight, and Live your Life, for Good”


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