Coffee Cake

Coffee Cake

Prep: 15 mins
Bake 35 mins
Makes 1 8x4” Loaf, Serves 8


This simple coffee cake is a crowd pleaser and perfect for breakfast, brunch or an anytime snack.  The cinnamon sugar swirls throughout the fluffy vanilla kissed cake and the nuts on top add that extra crunch.  There’s nothing fancy about this coffee cake, it is simply a detoxed traditional recipe that carries the same texture and flavors that your friends expect out of a good coffee cake.  No one will believe it’s low carb and packed full of healthy fiber.  Pair a slice of this detoxed cake with high protein yogurt and you have a perfectly balanced, nutrient-dense and low calorie breakfast. 

 Coffee Cake Nutrition Label

Dry Ingredients:
1 ½ cup Flour Swap
½ cup Sugar Swap
½  teaspoon salt
½  Tablespoon baking powder (double for Grain-Free)

Wet Ingredients:
1 Egg Swap
½ cup Butter Swap
¾ cup unsweetened plant milk
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

Cinnamon swirl ingredients:
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
½  cup Sugar Swap

Top with ½ cup chopped walnuts or pecans


Coffee Cake


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 8x4” loaf pan well or line with parchment paper.  I use my slightly larger loaf pan to bake this Grain-Free for more even baking.   

Mix dry ingredients well then add wet ingredients and mix until smooth cake batter is formed.  Let the batter rest for 5 minutes then mix for a few more seconds.  Spread  ½ the batter in the loaf pan and smooth the top.  Sprinkle ½ of the cinnamon/sugar topping, then cover with remaining cake batter.  Sprinkle the remaining cinnamon topping and use a knife to drag and swirl the cinnamon/sugar through the cake.  Smooth the top then press chopped walnuts or pecans on the top.   

Bake for about 30-40 minutes (35-45 minutes Grain-Free) until a toothpick comes out clean and edges are golden.  Remove from the oven and cool on a rack.  Gently invert the cake to release and slice.  Serve with a scoop of high protein yogurt for a balanced breakfast.   

*For best taste, texture and health benefits, refrigerate all Detox Desserts overnight before indulging. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to one week or freeze for longer term storage.

Coffee Cake Nutrition Label

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