Chocolate Caramel Sticky Buns

Chocolate Caramel Sticky Buns

Prep: 30 mins
Bake 35 mins
Makes 24 small buns, Serves 12


These warm, gooey chocolate caramel sticky buns are the perfect Sunday morning treat.  I made a batch of these and after tasting them, I strategically stored them in a discrete container in the back of the fridge where my family wouldn’t look.  I ate the entire tray myself in 3 days…yep, that happened, don’t judge;)  The yeast doesn’t provide a rise but adds an extra level of flavor and that sticky bun aroma that makes these irresistible and a really good knock-off of the original.  The recipe uses baking powder to add a moderate amount of lift.  The buns by themselves aren’t sweet but when baked together with the sweet caramel and chocolate, the sauces infuse into every crevice between the buns and add the perfect amount of buttery, gooey, sweet yumminess.  Make sure to cover the buns tightly with foil while they bake so they stay moist and ooey-gooey. 

Chocolate Caramel Sticky Buns

Chocolate Caramel Sticky Buns 

Dry Bun Ingredients:
3 cups Flour Swap
½ cup Sugar Swap
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder (double for Grain-Free)
1 teaspoon instant yeast (optional, for flavor only)

Wet Bun Ingredients:
2 Egg Swaps
1 cup warm plant milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Chocolate Sauce Ingredients:
¼ cup cocoa powder
¼ cup Butter Swap or Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
¼ cup Sugar Swap (granular)
2 tablespoons hot water
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Caramel Sauce Ingredients:
1 cup Sugar Swap (granular)
½ cup Butter Swap
¼ cup unsweetened plant milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon salt 


Chocolate Caramel Sticky Buns

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 9-10" pie pan well and/or line with parchment paper.  A dutch oven with a tight fitting lid can also be used.  

Mix dry bun ingredients well then add wet ingredients and mix until well incorporated.  Allow the dough to rest for a few minutes, then knead with your hands or a spoon.  Use a medium sized cookie scoop to create equal balls of dough and space them equally around the pan.  
Stir together all the chocolate sauce ingredients until smooth and pour on top of the buns. 
Make the caramel sauce by combining all ingredients together in a small saucepan on medium-high heat, stirring frequently.  When the mixture comes to a boil, reduce heat to medium and continue stirring and boiling for another 5-6 minutes until it thickens and turns a rich golden color.  Pour the hot caramel sauce over the sticky buns, cover tightly with foil and put in the oven to bake for about 35 minutes (45 mins for Grain-Free).  Remove from the oven, loosen the foil to vent but don’t completely uncover, (you want to keep the moisture inside), cool  on a rack and serve warm.  

*For best taste, texture and health benefits, refrigerate all Detox Desserts overnight before indulging. Store sealed in the fridge for up to 5 days or freeze for longer term storage.  


Sticky Buns Nutrition Label

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