Pumpkin Chai Blondies

Pumpkin Chai Blondies

Prep TIme: 15 mins
Bake Time: 35 mins
Serves 24

What do you get when you mix a cake and cookie? A blondie!  Because of the all the pumpkin, these blondies turn out little more on the cakey side.  If you want a more dense and chewy texture, simply press them down after they are finished baking while they are still very warm.  They are loaded with vitamin A from the pumpkin and infused with warm fall flavors.  The aroma in the kitchen while they are baking is intoxicating and will fill your home with warm and fuzzy holiday happiness.  I did an easy chai “cheat” by using pumpkin pie spice and just adding cardamom and extra cinnamon.  Cardamom is great for digestion and is what gives the distinct chai flavor to these blondies.  Feel free to make your own chai spice using ginger, nutmeg, clove, allspice, etc…using the pumpkin pie spice covers most of what is in a chai blend so it simplifies the recipe.  You can easily cut this recipe in half and bake for about 20 minutes in a 9x9” pan.  

Pumpkin Chai Blondies Comparison Chart

Pumpkin Chai Blondies

Dry Ingredients:
2 ⅓ cups Flour Swap
1 ½ cup Sugar Swap
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon cardamom

Wet Ingredients:
1 can pumpkin puree-15 oz (or 1 ¾ cups fresh puree)
1 cup Butter Swap
1 Egg Swap
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
Optional add-ins: 2 cups chocolate chips and/or chopped pecans


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Line a 9x13” pan with parchment paper.

Mix dry ingredients well, then add wet ingredients and stir until well combined.  Fold in chocolate chips or chopped nuts if desired.  Allow the batter to rest for a few minutes then stir again for about 1 minute.  Press evenly into your parchment lined baking tray.  

Bake for 35-40 minutes until the edges are golden.  Remove from the oven and cool completely on a rack before slicing.  If you want a more dense and chewy blondie, gently press down the blondies while they are still very warm.

*For best taste, texture and health benefits, refrigerate all Detox Desserts overnight before indulging.Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or freeze for long term storage.  

Pumpkin Chai Blondie

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