Holiday Snowball Cookies

Holiday Snowball Cookies

Prep time: 30 mins
Bake time: 20 mins
Serves 10 (makes about 20, 1” cookies)

These are fun, festive and simple cookies to make, only requiring a few ingredients.  They travel well, store well and look beautiful piled high on a plate.  A holiday cookie assortment wouldn’t be complete without these subtly sweet, vanilla and almond kissed crumbly shortbread nuggets of love.  You can also play with superfood powders or natural food coloring to add a bright pop of color without interfering with the delicate vanilla and nutty flavor of these cookies.  

Holiday Snowball Cookies Comparison Chart

Snowball Cookies 
Dry Ingredients:
1 cup Flour Swap
½ cup Powdered Sugar Swap
½ cup chopped pecans (macadamia and walnuts also work great)
¼ teaspoon salt
Wet Ingredients:
½ cup Butter Swap
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
¼-½ tsp almond extract (omit if you want a ‘Mexican Wedding Cookie’ version of this recipe)
1-2 tablespoons melted coconut or olive oil (only if dough is too dry to stick
-Powdered Sugar Swap for rolling once cooled

Holiday Snowball Cookies


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.  Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.


Mix all dry ingredients then add wet ingredients and mix with a hand mixer on low until well incorporated.  The dough should be moist but still somewhat crumbley and hold together well, add a little olive oil or melted coconut oil if needed.   Roll the cookies in your hands to form 1” balls and place them on your parchment lined cookie sheet.  Bake for 19-21 minutes (16-18 minutes if Grain-Free).  Watch them closely, remove them when they get slightly golden in color and a few cracks form around the edges.  

Let them cool completely on the cookie sheet, they will harden as they cool.  Then roll each cookie in Powdered Sugar Swap and store in the refrigerator for up to a week or freeze for long term storage.  *For optimal taste, texture and health benefits, always allow your detoxed desserts to chill in the fridge overnight before indulging.

Holiday Snowball Cookies Nutrition Label

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