Flourless Chocolate Cake

Flourless Chocolate Cake

Prep Time: 10 mins
Bake Time: 45 mins
Makes 9” cake (serves 8)

If you are a big chocolate lover like me, you have to make this cake!  This cake whips up in about 10 minutes without any fancy ingredients or complicated steps, and tastes incredible.  Rich, velvety dark chocolate that’s not too sweet, with a silky texture that will transport you to another space and time.  The espresso powder will enhance the chocolate flavor but if you really dislike the flavor of coffee, you don’t need to add it.   I recommend eating this by yourself, in your jammies, so you can be fully engaged in the experience:)  Don’t let the pumpkin scare you, you won’t taste it after it’s mixed with the other ingredients.  It’s so simple and healthy, yet oh so decadent!  It’s high in fiber and antioxidants making it a superfood treat good for any time of day.  

Flourless Chocolate Cake STATS

Flourless Cake 

Dry Ingredients:
1 cup Sugar Swap
1 cup cocoa powder
2 Tablespoons espresso powder
(I use decaf, substitute 2 extra Tbsp cocoa powder if you dislike the taste of coffee)
1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional, but I love the added depth of flavor)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
Wet Ingredients:
1 can pumpkin (15 oz)
½ cup Butter Swap
2 Egg Swaps
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

Flourless Chocolate Cake


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.  Line the bottom of a 9” springform pan with parchment paper and grease the sides and bottom well.  

Using a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients well then add wet ingredients.  Use a wire whisk to mix until completely smooth.  Let the batter rest for a few minutes, then give it another minute of mixing to ensure no lumps remain.  Pour the batter into the greased springform pan and transfer to the oven to bake for about 40-45 minutes.  The top will have a crust and the edges will have risen and set when done.  Remove from the oven and cool completely on a wire rack before transferring to the fridge to completely set overnight.  Use a dull knife to gently release the cake edges before removing the springform.  Dust your cooled cake with Powdered Sugar Swap.  Slice and serve with a dollop of coconut whipped cream and fresh raspberries.  

Store covered in the fridge for up to 1 week. 


Flourless Cake Nutrition Label

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